Furthermore, the section of the vinyl above the water level, exposed to direct sunlight, gradually fades over time. This results in the pool appearing outdated and detracts from its aesthetic appeal.Furthermore, the section of the vinyl above the water level, exposed to direct sunlight, gradually fades over time. This results in the pool appearing outdated and detracts from its aesthetic appeal.10

In the Costa Blanca area of Southern Spain, the prevalent choice for new in-ground pool installations is concrete pools. This trend is not unique to the region but is observed throughout most of Spain, where lined pools are considered a rarity. At Eden Pool, we firmly advocate the superiority of gunite pools over lined pools, citing the following reasons:

1.) Design Flexibility and Aesthetics:

With gunite construction, the only limitations in pool design are budget and imagination. There are virtually no constraints on elements like steps, benches, water features, depths, shapes, and hot tubs. In contrast, lined pools are prefabricated products with limited shape variations due to manufacturing constraints. Concrete pools offer almost limitless choices in finishes, including tiles, interior colours, coping styles, and materials.

2.) Value:

Despite the initial cost of concrete pools being 25-30% higher, their long-term cost is lower due to concrete’s durability and significantly lower maintenance costs. Properly constructed concrete pool structures can have an indefinite lifespan. 

In comparison, lined pools require liner replacements every 7-8 years and complete replacements every 10-15 years, incurring substantial costs. The plastic components in lined pools are challenging to replace, as the connections are behind the pool structure.
Furthermore, the section of the vinyl above the water level, exposed to direct UV sunlight, gradually fades over time. This results in the pool appearing outdated and detracts from its aesthetic appeal.

Leaks and vinyl replacement in lined pools represent a significant source of expense, making the concrete pool a more economical choice in the long run.

3.) Impact on the Environment:

The disposal of a lined pool generates non-biodegradable waste, with vinyl liners lasting about six to nine years in the intense Southern Spain sun. In contrast, a concrete swimming pool is a solid permanent structure. In the rare event of reconstruction, the waste generated is recycled and reused in new construction.

4.) Resale Value:  

Recent real estate studies indicate that a well-maintained concrete swimming pool is considered a luxury item, positively impacting the property’s value. Homes with concrete pools tend to sell faster than those without. Conversely, lined pools show a neutral or slightly negative impact on house prices due to their commonplace nature and high annualized depreciation costs.

We often build pools for home builders who include the pool as a feature on a spec home. This proves to us that the pool has a net positive impact on the house price. The same cannot be said for a liner pool. The impact on house price is neutral or slightly negative.  We feel that this is because of the commonplace nature of the in-ground liner as well as the previously mentioned high annualized depreciation costs.

For these compelling reasons, Eden Pool is exclusively dedicated to the installation and repair of concrete pools. We are confident that as customers become more educated about pool differences, they will reach the same conclusion.

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